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Residents and volunteers work hard to maintain and preserve Maynard Pond. Perhaps you have helped in the Pond clean-up days or have noticed subtle changes around the pond. Working with an environmental consultant, the board received, reviewed, and began activities to enhance, preserve, and maintain Maynard Pond. We are grateful to all volunteers who contribute time and funds toward these efforts. 



  • Pond Hours are Dawn until Dusk.

  • Fishing is Catch and Release in designated areas only. Fishing in NOT allowed along the dam.

  • Pick up after yourself. Litter, fish hooks, and fishing line are hazardous to the pond. 

  • Keep all pets on leash and pick up after them. 

  • Do NOT feed the geese or other wildlife. 

  • Respect pond and plant restoration areas. Do not answer these spaces. 

  • Be mindful for snakes, they live here too. 

  • No boats, kayaks, canoes, or paddle-boards on the pond.

  • No swimming.


Great Blue Heron


Bufflehead Duck


Double-crested Cormorant


Mallard Ducks


Hooded Merganser


Canadian Goose



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Eastern Box Turtle

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Snapping Turtle

Local Wildlife

The presence of waterfowl and pond dwellers in a neighborhood pond contributes significantly to both ecological balance and community well-being. These avian inhabitants, including ducks and geese, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. By foraging on aquatic plants and algae, they help control the growth of these elements, ensuring water quality and clarity.

Additionally, waterfowl contribute to the overall biodiversity of the area, creating a dynamic and thriving habitat. Beyond their ecological impact, the sight of waterfowl on a neighborhood pond provides residents with a sense of connection to nature and a source of enjoyment.

Visitor Rules:

  • Pond Hours are Dawn until Dusk

  • Catch and Release

  • No boats on the pond

  • Please leave with what you came with. Litter, fish hooks, and fishing line are hazardous to the pond. 

  • Please do not feed the geese

  • Respect nature: plants and animals

  • Be on the look out for snakes, they live here too!

  • Have fun!

Residents Placeholder
Maynard Pond Association Placeholder
Board Members Placeholder
Committees Placeholder

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